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Why this blog exists?

Hello there! I am Ishita. I want to let you all know that this blog doesn't exist because I want to flaunt my writing skills, infact I might be a terrible writer. But still I have this blog because I have noticed, the smallest things about you make you your unique self and very often we miss out a lot of small things that have the power and magic to make us a better person. So, my blog exists to connect to more people, and for building a committee to learn what the universe looks like to you and to share what it is like for me. To discover perspectives, we might have missed out, to learn. And I know social media exists for the very same reason, but for some reason a blog feels more authentic. I am sure we will come across more reasons to continue this blog and committee in future.

The main reason this blog exists (If we ignore the fact that I have watched dead poet’s society recently nvm) is because I am going to disappear soon and I want to leave behind something memorable….. just kidding! It's just that I don't want art to slip away from lives of humans and this is simply my contribution towards it. So, do subscribe and feel super free to share your thoughts on anything and everything through the contact form because I am here to be a good listener/reader, a friend. You can share ideas anonymously too.

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